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In this book the author brilliantly leads us through the often misunderstood teaching of Romans 9-11 in a simple and down-to-earth manner. He explains how Israel, although presently in a state of unbelief, has a special place in God's redemptive plan. Many people hold differing views on Israel. It is therefore vitally important to read and understand what the Bible actually tells us about God's plan for this unique nation. Unlike many books on Israel, the author shares his profound knowledge of the bible to expound the significance of Israel exclusively through these "New Testament" scriptures. The result is a book that is dazzling in its interpretation of these scriptures. The author touches on what he terms as the 'prophetic extremist' and in the book he say's, "There are some who have a quite heretical adulation of Israel". The book seeks to bring a balanced understanding of God's purposes for Israel and the Church. The author says, "It is not that Israel takes over us. It is that we all will move into the new epoch that God brings: a spiritual revival that Paul calls 'life from the dead'".