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In the second edition of this book (formerly called "The Antioch Factor"), the author writes, "The book is not about the End Times...It looks at our obedience (or lack of it) to the Great Commission. It focuses on the often missed reality in "Matthew" 24, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as witness to all the nations." Then, and only then "the end will come". Whatever else may happen in our days, there is a key in our hands. We can use that key - or we can ignore it." Ross Paterson challenges us to take seriously the words of Jesus to be witnesses to Him "in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth". Using examples from the "Acts of the Apostles", the author explores how the centre of Christianity moved from Jerusalem to Antioch because it was the Antioch church that was prepared to obey the call to send people "to the ends of the earth". "How are we fulfilling that call today?" He asks.